[PRISON CORE] X-PRISON [1.8-1.19.X] ~ #1 PRISON CORE ~ ALL-IN-ONE solution for prison servers! 1.12.10
[监狱核心] X-PRISON [1.8-1.19.X] ~ #1 监狱核心 ~ 监狱服务器的一体化解决方案! 1.12.10
UltraPrisonCore是监狱服务器的终极解决方案。这个核心包含每个监狱服务器上应该有的一切。通过包括监狱地雷系统、20 多个自定义附魔、帮派、自动销售、自动矿工区域、镐级别、代币和宝石货币、等级和声望、乘数等等,它是世界上最好的监狱核心之一市场。
将插件安装到您的服务器:- 下载最新版本的 UltraPrisonCore
- Download helper, WorldEdit, WorldGuard and Vault plugins, as they are required as dependencies. Don't worry about **helper **plugin, its just a library
![](http://) - Extract UltraPrisonCore-X.X.X.jar to /plugins folder of your Minecraft Server
- Restart/Reload the server
- After restart, please select your database system /plugins/UltraPrisonCore/config.yml. You can either use SQLite as local database, or MySQL as remote database. If you wish to select MySQL, please set also your connection credentials in config section.
- Note: Java 8 and above is required
- Note: If you would like to use Essentials Kits along with custom enchants from this plugin, please see Essentials Kits Addon
Setting up the plugin:​- Note: There are lot of useful commands to gain the best from the plugin. Definitely check out Command wiki page!
- Note: Most of the setup is done via configuration files.
- Create prison mines by /mines create [name]. Before doing so, you need to have a selection ready using /mines tool. After you create a mine, add some blocks (contents) to it by holding a block in your hand and running /mines addblock [name] command. After adding blocks, open up a mine panel by /mines panel [name] and perform detailed GUI setup.
- For each of your prison mines, create also WorldGuard region by /rg define [name]. After region is created, please make sure to set flag 'upc-enchants' to ALLOW by running command /rg flag [name] upc-enchants ALLOW, otherwise enchants will not be able to work in this region.
- For each of your prison mines, do /sellprice [price] with a block in your hand that is mined from that mine to configure selling prices of items. You must be standing in mine region to do this!
- If you would like to use autominer region, please create WorldGuard region called how would you like. Then visit autominer.yml configuration and update values.
- Do not forget to check all configuration files and change messages to your liking! There is also lot of predefined stuff that you can change, add, or delete.
![](https://i.imgur.com/BktoJ5i.png) ![](https://imgur.com/vtKscyP.png) ![](https://imgur.com/Ynkc80A.png)
Detailed Features and other informations can be found here.
![](https://i.imgur.com/fopmQcX.png) ![](https://i.imgur.com/D1LlB52.png) ![](https://imgur.com/TYrfFdj.png)
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