TownyGUI - [6 Years] [Customizable] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X 5.1 [提交至百度][查看百度是否已收录此帖]

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2022-9-22 22:44:05
TownyGUI - [6 Years] [Customizable] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X 5.1
TownyGUI - [6 年] [可定制] 1.7.10 - 1.18.X 5.1


测试的Minecraft版本: 1.7 / 1.8 / 1.9 / 1.10 / 1.10 / 1.11 / 1.11 / 1.12 / 1.12 / 1.13 / 1.14 / 1.14 / 1.15 / 1.15 / 1.15 / 1.16 / 1.17 / 1.17 / 1.17 / 1.18 / 1.18 / 1.18 / 1.18 / 1.18 / 1.18

自从我启动服务器 1.8.6+ 以来,我厌倦了必须将玩家发送到我的网站以便他们可以查找简单的 Towny 命令,为什么要花这么长时间来设置城镇生成或在城镇中切换爆炸。


最初将是一个私人插件,我们决定其他服务器应该从这个插件中受益,玩家对此非常满意,大多数刚接触 Towny 的玩家表示他们更喜欢 GUI 而不是发送链接。随着这个插件的公共版本的发布,更多的自定义功能已经实现!随着更多功能的出现,您将能够扩展您的 GUI!

修改 GUI 胸部大小。
启用/禁用 GUI 标志

这个插件现在支持 1.7.10 - 1.18!

注意:1.7.10 Cauldron 用户,使用版本 2.6Cauldron - 不支持!

镇吉。* | OP - 完全访问插件

/tgui | 每个人 - 主要命令。

/tgui <GUI 名称>

townygui.command.* | 访问所有 /tgui 命令

/tgui main | townygui.command.mainmenu | OP - 打开主菜单。

/tgui 镇 | townygui.command.townmenu | OP - 打开城镇菜单。

/tgui 镇 | townygui.command.townymenu | OP - 打开城镇菜单。

/tgui 情节 | townygui.command.plotmenu | OP - 打开绘图菜单。

/tgui 居民 | townygui.command.residentmenu | OP - 打开常驻菜单。

/tgui 民族 | townygui.command.nationmenu | OP - 打开国家菜单。

/tgui 城镇世界 | townygui.command.townyworldmenu | OP - 打开 TownyWorld 菜单。

/tgui 重新加载 | townygui.admin.reload | OP - 重新加载配置。

/tgui 版本 | townygui.admin.version | OP - 检查您的版本。

创建所有 GUI 标志:townygui.signs.*

创建主菜单 GUI 标志:townygui.signs.main

创建城镇菜单 GUI 标志

创建 Towny 菜单 GUI 标志:townygui.signs.towny

创建绘图菜单 GUI 标志:townygui.signs.plot

创建居民菜单 GUI 标志:townygui.signs.resident

创建国家菜单 GUI 标志:townygui.signs.nation

创建 TownyWorld 菜单 GUI 标志: townygui.signs.townyworld


第 1 行:[townygui]
第 2 行:{留空}
第 3 行:<{GUI} Menu> 菜单
第 4 行:{留空}

EG: 要使用城镇菜单标志,你必须有权限做 /tgui town

TownyGUI Config

剧透:朗TITLE: '&6[&bTownyGUI&6] 'NO_PERM: '&cYou don''t have enough permissions for that!'RELOAD: '&cPlugin reloaded!'NO_CONSOLE: '&cSorry, That command can only be performed by a player!'SUCCESS_SIGN_MAIN: '&aSuccessfully created a Main Menu sign!'SUCCESS_SIGN_TOWN: '&aSuccessfully created a Town Menu sign!'SUCCESS_SIGN_TOWNY: '&aSuccessfully created a Towny Menu sign!'SUCCESS_SIGN_PLOT: '&aSuccessfully created a Plot Menu sign!'SUCCESS_SIGN_RESIDENT: '&aSuccessfully created a Resident Menu sign!'SUCCESS_SIGN_NATION: '&aSuccessfully created a Nation Menu sign!'SUCCESS_SIGN_TOWNYWORLD: '&aSuccessfully created a TownyWorld Menu sign!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP1: '&6/tgui main &0| &6Opens Main Menu!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP2: '&6/tgui town &0| &6Opens Town Menu!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP3: '&6/tgui towny &0| &6Opens Towny Menu!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP4: '&6/tgui resident &0| &6Opens Resident Menu!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP5: '&6/tgui plot &0| &6Opens Plot Menu!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP6: '&6/tgui nation &0| &6Opens Nation Menu!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP7: '&6/tgui townyworld &0| &6Opens TownyWorld Menu!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP8: '&6/tgui reload &0| &6Reload the plugin!'GUI_COMMAND_HELP9: '&6/tgui version &0| &6Check the plugin version / updates!'NATION_DEPOSIT: '&6/nation deposit <AMOUNT>'NATION_NATION: '&6/nation <NATION> &0| &6Shows a player the /nation screen of another nation.'NATION_NEW: '&6/nation new <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Mayor command to create a nation.'NATION_ADD: '&6/nation add <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6King Command to add a town to your nation.'NATION_KICK: '&6/nation kick <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6King command to kick a town from your nation.'NATION_ALLY_ADD: '&6/nation ally add <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Add''s a nation to your ally list.'NATION_ALLY_REMOVE: '&6/nation ally remove <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Remove a nation from your ally list.'NATION_ENEMY_ADD: '&6/nation enemy add <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Add''s a nation to your enemy list.'NATION_ENEMY_REMOVE: '&6/nation enemy remove <NATION_NAME> &0| &6Remove a nation from your enemy list.'NATION_RANK: '&6/nation rank <ADD | REMOVE> <LAYER_NAME> <RANK_NAME> &0| &6Grant / remove a rank to a resident of the nation.'NATION_SET1: '&6/nation set king <LAYER_NAME> &0| &6King command to change the king of the nation.'NATION_SET2: '&6/nation set captial <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6Sets the capitol and king of the nation.'NATION_SET3: '&6/nation set taxes <AMOUNT> &0| &6Sets nation-tax applied to the towns within the nation.'NATION_SET4: '&6/nation set name <NEW_NAME> &0| &6Sets the nation''s name.'NATION_SET5: '&6/nation set title <LAYER_NAME> <TITLE> &0| &6King command to add a Title to a member of the nation.'NATION_SET6: '&6/nation set surname <LAYER_NAME> <SURNAME> &0| &6King command to add a Suffix to a member of the nation.'NATION_SET7: '&6/nation set tag <TAG(4letters)> &0| &6Sets the nation''s tag, which is sometimes used on that chat line.'NATION_SET8: '&6/nation set tag clear &0| &6Clears the tag set for the nation.'RESIDENT_PLAYER1: '&6/resident &0| &6View information about yourself, Including friends etc'RESIDENT_PLAYER2: '&6/resident <LAYER> &0| &6View information about other players!'RESIDENT_FRIEND1: '&6/resident friend add <LAYER> &0| &6Add online player to your friends list.'RESIDENT_FRIEND2: '&6/resident friend add+ <LAYER> &0| &6Add offline player to your friends list.'RESIDENT_FRIEND3: '&6/resident friend remove <LAYER> &0| &6Remove online player from your friends list.'RESIDENT_FRIEND4: '&6/resident friend remove+ <LAYER> &0| &6Remove offline player from your friends list.'RESIDENT_FRIEND5: '&6/resident friend clearlist &0| &6Remove all players from your friends list.'RESIDENT_TOGGLE1: '&6/resident toggle map &0| &6Turns on map which refreshes when moving.'RESIDENT_TOGGLE2: '&6/resident toggle townclaim &0| &6Auto /town claim while walking.'RESIDENT_TOGGLE3: '&6/resident toggle plotborder &0| &6Turns on smokey plot-border view.'RESIDENT_TOGGLE4: '&6/resident toggle spy &0| &6Admins can turn on chat-channel spying.'RESIDENT_TOGGLE5: '&6/resident toggle reset &0| &6This turns off all modes that are active.'RESIDENT_SET1: '&6/resident set perm <ON | OFF> &0| &6Edits the perm line on the resident screen.'RESIDENT_SET2: '&6/resident set perm <FRIEND | ALLY | OUTSIDER> <ON |OFF> &0| &6Turn on / off perms for certain groups.'RESIDENT_SET3: |- &6/resident set perm <BUILD | DESTROY | SWITCH | ITEMUSE> §6 <ON | OFF> &0| &6Turns on / off action perms.RESIDENT_SET4: "&6/resident set perm <FRIEND | ALLY | OUTSIDER> \n§6<BUILD | DESTROY\ \ | SWITCH | ITEMUSE> <ON | OFF> &0| &6Turns on / off action perms for certain groups."RESIDENT_SET5: '&6/resident set perm reset &0| &6This takes the perm line seen in the /resident screen and applies it to all plots personally owned by the player typing it.'RESIDENT_JAIL1: '&6/resident jail &0| &6Shows bail cost (If TRUE in config).'RESIDENT_JAIL2: '&6/resident jail paybail &0| &6Allows a player to pay to get out of jail.'TOWN_DEPOSIT: '&6/town deposit <AMOUNT> &0| &6Deposit money into the town bank!'TOWN_NEW: '&6/town new <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6To create a new town, If you have enough money Town name must not have a space. Use underscores: ''_'''TOWN_KICK: '&6/town kick <LAYER> &0| &6kick players from your town.'TOWN_ADD: '&6/town add <;PLAYER> &0| &6Invite players to your town.'TOWN_JOIN: '&6/town join &0| &6To join a town, Do /town join <TOWN_NAME> Town name must not have a space. Use underscores: ''_'' Towns must also be ''OPEN'' for you to join without an invite!'TOWN_RANK: '&6/town rank <ADD | REMOVE> <;PLAYER> <RANK_NAME> &0| &6Grants or removes a rank to a resident of the town.'TOWN_TOWN1: '&6/town &0| &6Show information about your town.'TOWN_JAIL: '&6/town toggle jail <JAIL_NUMBER> <RESIDENT_NAME> &0| &6Jail / unjail a resident of your town!'TOWN_TOWN2: '&6/town <TOWN_NAME> &0| &6Show information about another town.'TOWN_CLAIM1: '&6/town claim &0| &6Claim the townblock in which you stand for your town.'TOWN_CLAIM2: '&6/town claim outpost &0| &6Claims an outpost for your town.'TOWN_CLAIM3: '&6/town claim <#> &0| &6Claims an area of townblocks around you for your town.'TOWN_CLAIM4: '&6/town claim auto &0| &6Claims as many townblocks around you as is possible.'TOWNY_TOP1: '&6/towny top residents <ALL | TOWN | NATION> &0| &6Show top residents.'TOWNY_TOP2: '&6/towny top land <ALL | RESIDENT | TOWN> &0| &6Shows top land owners.'TOWNY_WAR1: '&6/towny war stats &0| &6Shows towny war stats.'TOWNY_WAR2: '&6/towny war scores &0| &6Shows towny war scores.'TOWNY_WAR3: '&6/towny war hud &0| &6Shows towny war information.'PLOT_PERMISSION1: '&6/plot permission &0| &6Shows plot information.'PLOT_PERMISSION2: '&6/plot permission hud &0| &6Shows plot information in a hud.'TOWNYWORLD_WORLD: '&6/townyworld <WORLD> &0| &6Show settings for world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE1: '&6/townyworld toggle claimable &0| &6Turn on/off whether mayors can claim townblocks in the world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE2: '&6/townyworld toggle usingtowny &0| &6Turn on/off whether towny is used in the world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE3: '&6/townyworld toggle pvp &0| &6Turn on/off pvp in the world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE4: '&6/townyworld toggle forcepvp &0| &6Turn on/off whether pvp is forced on in all towns in the world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE5: '&6/townyworld toggle explosion &0| &6Turn on/off whether explosions are on in the wilderness/towns in the world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE6: '&6/townyworld toggle forceexplosion &0| &6Force explosions on in that world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE7: '&6/townyworld toggle fire &0| &6Turn on/off whether firespread is on in the wilderness/towns in the world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE8: '&6/townyworld toggle townmobs &0| &6Turn on/off hostile mobspawning in towns in the world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE9: '&6/townyworld toggle worldmobs &0| &6Turn on/off the mobs listed in the world mobs in the world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE10: '&6/townyworld toggle revertunclaim &0| &6Turn on/off the revert on unclaim feature for that world.'TOWNYWORLD_TOGGLE11: '&6/townyworld toggle revertexpl &0| &6Turn on/off the reverting explosions in the wilderness feature for that world.'TOWNYWORLD_SET1: '&6/townyworld set wildname <NAME> &0| &6Sets name of the wilderness.'TOWNYWORLD_SET2: '&6/townyworld set wildregen {Creeper,EnderCrystal,EnderDragon,Fireball,SmallFireball,LargeFireball,TNTPrimed,ExplosiveMinecart} &0| &6Sets what explosions are reverted in the wilderness.'

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